Heirloom Tomato Plants

  • $3.35–$12.95
    74 Days Dates back to the early 1900s and is the best for sauces and canning. Its deep red fruits are large for...
  • $3.25–$12.95
    90-100 days. Heirloom dating back to the 1880's. Potato leaf plants with good yields of extra-large, up to 1 1/2...
  • $3.85–$12.95
    80-90 days. A reliable producer of unusual, medium pink-purple fruits that appear brown in color, and average 10...
  • $3.25–$12.95
    75-85 Days. Also called Radiator Charlie. Long-time favorite with good yields of very large, 1 to 2 lb., smooth,...
  • $3.75–$8.50
    85-90 Days Enormous, uniquely patterned yellow-red striped fruits will be the center of attention. Beefsteak type...
  • $3.85–$8.50
    75 days (EB) A superb tomato developed at the University of Wisconsin. Large, deep red fruits resist shoulder...