Hot Pepper Seeds

  • $3.95
    80 days. Thick-walled, 3" long by 2 1/4" wide peppers are mildly hot with a Scoville rating of 2,000. Green...
  • Armageddon Hybrid Pepper

    4 star rating
    70-75 days. The world's first hybrid super-hot chili with a Scoville rating of 1.3 million! Pale green, pendant...
  • $2.25
    A dramatic new container variety with a naturally dwarf habit, up to just 18", that's perfect for use in containers...
  • $4.95
    80-85 Days Also known as Ghost Chile. The Guinness Book of World Records hottest pepper in the world from 2007...
  • $3.95–$6.95
    75-80 Days Released by New Mexico State University. One of the largest of the chile peppers, with mildly hot fruits...
  • $4.95
    65 days. Unique, very dark green, almost black fruits are thick-walled, grow approx. 3 to 4" long, have a Scoville...
  • $2.25
    Stunning heirloom plants are extremely ornamental and produce loads of round, tapered fruits that are 6" long. Pods...
  • $4.35
    70 days. 2022 AAS Winner! This is one delicious hot pepper and in trials, plants produced more than 250 fruits...
  • $3.75–$6.95
    65-68 Days A charming heirloom whose seed was supposedly smuggled out through the Iron Curtain a quarter century...
  • $5.95
    85-100 Days. Connoisseurs of hot peppers know that the best varieties temper their heat with a touch of sweetness....
  • $4.85
    61 Days. 2010 AAS Winner. The perfect combination of mildly spicy but still sweet flavor makes this the perfect...
  • $3.95–$8.95
    90-120 Days Warning - this mix is blistering in its heat! A blend of our hottest Caribbean varieties,...
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